November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd November 2020

Present: Cllrs A. Schofield, P. Drewery  and B. Hancock

Apologies:  Cllr A. Inglis   Absent from the Meeting Cllrs.  J Young and M Burton

This meeting was held by Zoom no members of the public were present

1232   Cllr. Schofield in the Chair. Cllr Schofield thanked councillor Drewery for taking the chair at the previous meeting.

1233       Public Participation.  None present.

1234       Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th September were approved.

1235       Matters Arising:      The Defibrillator has been placed in the box and is now ready for use.

                                                      Cllr Drewery has made enquiries and is waiting a quote to replace the plaque on the tree in the churchyard.

1236       Mrs. H Davidson had registered an interest to fill the vacancy on the council and in the absence of any other candidates was co-opted onto the council at this meeting.

1237       Finance.                Payments approved

                                                S. Cade for Grass Cutting              Sept/Oct                                  £190.00

                                                M Wilkinson Clerks Wages                                                             £350.00

                                                Thornton-le-Moor PCC Donation                                                     £300.00


Estimate for the Precept was discussed and the conclusion was that there were enough funds to enable the council to precept for the same amount as previous this being £2,000.00

1238       Matters Reported:   Potholes on Moor Road, Cater Lane and on Thornton
Road where potholes have been filled and are now starting to reappear.  Salt for Saltboxes were discussed and the clerk would enquire ref timescale for refilling, Cllr Drewery  would empty out the water in the box at North End.

Footway light no 3 is out the clerk would report this.

It should be noted that Cllr Burton has a bad wi-fi connection and managed to connect as the meeting closed, she had no sound and was unable to contribute

The Meeting Closed at 8.10p.m


The Next Meeting will be on the 4th January 2021