January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 7th January 2019

Present: R Winter (Chairman), M. Burton, B. Hancock, A. Schofield, A. Inglis.

Apologies: J. Young

Members of the public. 4

1953       The Chairman welcomed the members of the public

1954       Public Participation. There was nothing to report from the public.

1955       Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th November were approved and signed by the chairman.

1956       Matters Arising:                 The Clerk had received notification that approval had been received for a change of location for the Polling Station to be at Little Owls in the future.

1957       Grass Cutting, It was agreed the Clerk would talk to Stephen Cade to check he will have Insurance and to offer the agreed hourly rate for the coming year.

The Chairman would contact the Mrs. Vincent to ask if the church would be able to make a contribution towards the cost of cutting the cemetary.

1958       Finance:               Payment for the years room rent was agreed and paid £150.00

                                                Budget requirements for the precept were discussed and it was voted 5 – 1 that the precept would remain at £2,000 for the coming year.

1959       Planning:             Councillors were not in agreement to the change of use for 1 & 2 Top Farm Cottages the clerk would request a meeting with the planning officer .

1960       Matters Reported:          Footpaths –  Tree Roots are breaking up the tarmac on Folly Hill.


The Meeting Closed at 8.25pm

Next Meeting will be on the 4th March. 2019