January 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd  January 2020

Present: R Winter (Chairman), M. Burton, B. Hancock, A. Schofield, A. Inglis. P. Drewery

Apologies: J. Young

Members of the public. 4

1201       The Chairman welcomed the members of the public

1202       Public Participation. Stones had been placed on the verge outside the Old Telephone Box.

                Mr. Cade wished to resign from looking after the planters, the Chairman thanked him for his past care and the Clerk would place a notice in the board.

1203       Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th November were approved and signed by the chairman.

1204       Matters Arising:                 The Chairman reported he had investigated help to buy a defibrillator but it was a complicated exercise and as the Parish Council had the funds to cover the cost the councillors agreed in principal that it would be in order to purchase from the council account. They would however like to have further information and if possible a demonstration.

1205       Finance. It was agreed to pay the room hire invoice of £175.00

                Budget requirements for the precept were discussed and it agreed the precept would remain at £2,000 for the coming year.

1206       Matters Reported:          Potholes and the state of the roads being in a terrible state.


The Meeting Closed at 8.25pm

Next Meeting will be on the 2nd March. 2019