Minutes of the Meeting 10th January 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th January 2023


Present:  Cllr. B. Hancock (in the chair),  M. Burton, H. Davidson, T. Schofield, P. Drewery.,

 J. Young                                                                


Apologies: Cllr. A. Inglis


Members of the public: 1


1333       The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the public


1334       Public Participation:   Mr Cade asked about the Grass Cutting for the year.

                Steven Cade would be retained for the coming year it was agreed the grass verges around the building works would be impossible and the builders would be expected to reinstate the verges. Footpath on Folly Hill was discussed but decided nothing could be done until the builders had finished their work.


1335       The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.


1336       Matters Arising.


                The Chairman was still awaiting response from Anglian Water regarding the placing of signage when working in the village.


                Salt bins the clerk had been advised that only council owned bins are now being filled and it is understood this has been carried out. No decision was made regarding salt being put into the yellow bins which were provided by the P.C.  The Clerk was to contact Councillor Bunny to try to get the grit lorries to visit Owersby as there are more houses in the village along with school buses using the road to Osgodby and Moor Road to the A46.


1337       Finance.


                Proposed and agreed that the precept be applied for the sum of £2,450.00 the £450 to cover the upcoming election expenses.


                Agreed to pay WLDC repayment due to overpayment of CIL     £386.46

                LALC                                                                                                       £ 84.98

                Little Owls   room hire                                                                        £200.00


1338       Notice Board


                Agreement was made to purchase a new notice board in reconstituted plastic being the best option. The clerk would place the order and Cllr Young agreed it could be delivered to his works.


1339       Dates for the coming year were confirmed as the AGM would be held on the 15th May and the Parish Meeting on the 17th April.


1340       Clr Burton advised that the Defibrillator was now live the Clerk would register it with the appropriate authority.



The meeting Closed at 8.32pm

 Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16th January 2023


Present:  Cllr. B. Hancock (in the chair),  M. Burton, H. Davidson, T. Schofield, P. Drewery.,

 J. Young                                                                


Apologies: Cllr. A. Inglis


Members of the public: 1


1333       The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the public


1334       Public Participation:   Mr Cade asked about the Grass Cutting for the year.

                Steven Cade would be retained for the coming year it was agreed the grass verges around the building works would be impossible and the builders would be expected to reinstate the verges. Footpath on Folly Hill was discussed but decided nothing could be done until the builders had finished their work.


1335       The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.


1336       Matters Arising.


                The Chairman was still awaiting response from Anglian Water regarding the placing of signage when working in the village.


                Salt bins the clerk had been advised that only council owned bins are now being filled and it is understood this has been carried out. No decision was made regarding salt being put into the yellow bins which were provided by the P.C.  The Clerk was to contact Councillor Bunny to try to get the grit lorries to visit Owersby as there are more houses in the village along with school buses using the road to Osgodby and Moor Road to the A46.


1337       Finance.


                Proposed and agreed that the precept be applied for the sum of £2,450.00 the £450 to cover the upcoming election expenses.


                Agreed to pay WLDC repayment due to overpayment of CIL     £386.46

                LALC                                                                                                       £ 84.98

                Little Owls   room hire                                                                        £200.00


1338       Notice Board


                Agreement was made to purchase a new notice board in reconstituted plastic being the best option. The clerk would place the order and Cllr Young agreed it could be delivered to his works.


1339       Dates for the coming year were confirmed as the AGM would be held on the 15th May and the Parish Meeting on the 17th April.


1340       Clr Burton advised that the Defibrillator was now live the Clerk would register it with the appropriate authority.



The meeting Closed at 8.32pm