September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting   3rd September  2018

Present:               R. Winter (chairman)   A. Schofield, P. Drury J. Young,  M Burton & B. Hancock

Apologies:          A. Inglis  

3 members of the public.

1936       The meeting was opened by the Chairman who welcomed the members of the public..

1937       Public Participation:       Mr Cade reported the tree in the Church Yard was now in good condition.

1938       Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd July  were approved and signed by the chairman.

1939       Matters Arising

                There were no matters arising.


1940       Finance                  Payments made.           

                                                                                J. Cade   - mowing                            £37.50




1941       Planning   application for 3 houses made by Messrs.  Mapplethorpe was discussed with the conclusions that it would have been preferred to have affordable housing on the site, a communal bio digester as a preference as there is an open drain adjacent to the site on the Gulham Road. It would also lead to extra traffic on the corner.


Amendment had been made to planning permission to Top Farm Cottages no objections were raised.


Extension to Church Farm House  – no objections were raised.                 


1942       Correspondence              - Letter received proposing the moving of the Polling Station from the Church to Osgodby Village Hall, the clerk would request that Ms. Chapman attend the next meeting to discuss this matter.


1943       Matters not on the agenda         Hedge on the Church Field is very overgrown – the chairman will look into it.  Pothole opposite the Old Chapel still not repaired. No 1 street light opposite Church Farm Cottages not working.


Mr. Cade asked for permission to purchase Winter Flowering plants, this was approved.


The Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Next Meeting 5th November  2018