September 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 5th September  2022


Present:  Cllr. B. Hancock (in the chair),  M. Burton, H. Davidson, T. Schofield, P. Drewery. Cllr. A. Inglis


Apologies:  J. Young                                                             Members of the public: 1


1322       The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the public


1323       Public Participation.  No matters to report.


1324       Matters Arising.


                The problem with the Hedges not being cut on Church Lane were reported to the Dioceses and the reply received was that the land would be taken over on the 11th August and the tenant would cut the hedges.


The defibrillator had now been delivered to Mr & Mrs Burton, and is awaiting a quote for supply to the electricity before being fitted.


The Clerk had received the conclusion from the planning enforcement officer that the matter of the caravan on Gulham Lane had been resolved and they were not being used to live in, planning permission should have to be obtained for change of use of the land but no further action would be taken.


1325       Finance.

Payments made to:       Hansard Haulage   Petrol                                    £   77.00

                                     S Cade for         Grass cutting                             £    60.00

                                       Andrew Deptford Defibrillator                            £1800.00

1326       Planning.               There was nothing to report on planning matters.

Other business.

The Clerk reported the notice board was now in a bad state of repair and as requested would obtain costings for a replacement. A possible new site would need to be found as the wall is in a bad state of repair.

Cllr. Burton said she had had complaints that the public footpath (no89) is very overgrown – the clerk to report to WLDC Footpaths Officer.

A member of the public had contacted the clerk to make a suggestion that perhaps a plaque in memory of the past Chairman Cllr. Mapplethorpe should be provided by the council. After much discussion it was decided that this could set precedence and as there had been other long serving chairmen who had not been  recognized in this manner  the council did not wish to do this.

Following on from the above discussion a suggestion was made that would be nice to provide a rose bush in memory of Mrs. Madge Cade who had served as Church Warden for many years as well as attending the Council meetings only missing on a few occasions when ill, having lived and been involved in the village Madge was very helpful in being able to recall historical events to aid councilors in many discussions. 

There were many complaints regarding the road signage during recent roadworks for Anglian Water. The Chairman said she had personally complained to Anglian Water and would write to them officially from the Parish Council.

The meeting Closed at 8.45pm

The next meeting will be held on the 7th November 2022