July 2022 Minutes of the Meeting

Minutes of the  Meeting held on the 4th July  2022


Present:  Cllr. B. Hancock,Cllrs. A. Inglis, M. Burton, H. Davidson, T. Schofield, P. Drewery. J. Young


Members of the public:


1316       The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the public


1317       Public Participation.  Mr. Cade reported the hedge belonging to the Church Field was very overgrown on Church Lane. The Clerk would contact the Lincoln Diocese to report this matter



1318       Matters Arising.


                There were no matters arising from the last meeting the defibrillator to be discussed as an agenda item.


1319       Finance.


Payments made to:  Hansard Haulage Account                              £67.00

                                     S Cade for 2 months Grass cutting             £240.000

                                     Thornton-le-Moor Church                            £350.00


1320       Defibrillator.  The Clerk had obtained details from different sources and it was decided to order the same as previously supplied from Andrew Deptford – the clerk would place the order as there is a waiting list.

1321       Planning for an additional 2 poultry houses were discussed and  concerns would be passed on to the council.

Other business

Cllr. Schofield reported the Church Clock was not working and there appeared to be 2 x mobile homes being inhabited in a field on the Gulham Road the clerk would ask the planning dept. to investigate

The meeting closed at 20.43pm


The next meeting will be held on the 5th September 2022