March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th March 2021

Present: Cllrs A. Schofield, P. Drewery, B. Hancock,  A. Inglis ,  H Davidson and M Burton

Apologies: Cllr . Young

No members of the public.

This meeting was held by Zoom

1250       The Chairman opened the meeting and reported work was starting at the building site of the old Piggery.

1251       The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

1252       Matters Arising:   Cllr Schofield reported it was not possible to take a good photograph of the  road problems  which are arising since the new road had been laid.

The Plaque for the tree was not resolved and it was decided that Mr. Marshall should be asked if he could recommend a company to engrave a new one.

Salt bins  have now been emptied and the clerk will make a note to request them to be filled later in the year.

1253       Finance:               Payments were approved for  LALC                         Subscription       £83.89

                                                                                              Little Owls                Room Hire          £50.00

1254       Planning:             Land to the East of Thornton Road          

                According to the plan there is a variation from the original outline permission.

  1. The original plans show 4 x affordable semi-detached houses this application is for 4 x large detached houses.
  2. The council feel this is out of proportion to the site.
  3. The site plans are showing inconsistencies.
  4. There are already plans permitted in the village and in accordance with the village plan there should only be room for one dwelling left.
  5. A discussion with a representative of the Church Commissioners held in 2018 advised them that the Parish Council wished to support affordable housing .
  6. The Clerk would put forward the above to the planning authority.

1255       Matters reported:   The Clerk had received a report from Mr Cade that the obelisk holding the honeysuckle on the Green had rotted of and he wished to have permission to cut it back. This was discussed and the chairman asked for comments on abandoning the grass cutting at this time as there is a lot of building work going on and it was probable that the grass verges would be used for parking heavy vehicles. 

It was decided that Mr. Cade be asked to just cut the church yard and to cut down the honeysuckle.

1256       Parish Meeting and AGM            The Parish Meeting to be held by Zoom under Covid rules on the 26th April 2021

The AGM if allowed to  be held at Little Owls  on the 10th May

The meeting closed at 8.35pm