Minutes of Meeting 25th January

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 25th January 2021
Present: Cllrs A. Schofield, P. Drewery, B. Hancock, Cllr A. Inglis , Cllrs.  J Young , H Davidson and M Burton
This meeting was held by Zoom
Members of the public present: Mrs S. Mastin Smith, Mr. J.  Burton, Mrs L.  Rivett, Mr. J Drewery, Mr. R. Alderson, on behalf of Brown & Co for the applicants.
1245  Cllr. Schofield in the Chair. 
1246 Cllrs Drewery and Burton declared an interest.
1247 The Chairman opened up the meeting for public participation.
1248 Mr.  J Drewery  question to Mr. Alderson – Please clarify where the entrance road is as  on the application states Thornton Road where the entrance is actually on Cater Lane.
Mr. Alderson- Believes the address is correct to be Little Owls,  North End Farm, Thornton Road
Mr. Drewery  This causes problems with caravans going onto my property which is actually North End Farm and people being abusive when they are unable to turn around.
Mrs. Rivett.  Questioned the total number quoted on the planning application and felt the development would be too big for the area as there are other sites in close proximity also when she had asked West Lindsey Planning Dept. she been had told  there had been no contact at a previous time when the original site was set up. She also voiced concerns regarding the lake and wilding area.
Mr. Alderson  Stated West Lindsey had been notified approximately 2 years ago when the site was originally set up and that there was no planning needed for 5 standings. He also stated  that maybe people want to come to the area for  peace and quiet.
Mrs. Mastin Smith Cater Lane is a narrow road and is not suitable for the amount of proposed traffic, as neighbours she and her husband farm both sides of the lane and have had problems with dog walkers using the bridle way through a field with calves and a bull in, many of h the public are unaware of how dangerous this can be. They have also suffered from rubbish and noise can be an issue.
Mr. Drewery    The site needs to have a flood assessment as the original bridge has been replaced because the old one washed away, he also had concerns regarding sewerage.
Mrs. Mastin Smith  Hoped in the future to make the neighbouring field into a wilding area and was concerned this application will affect wildlife.
Cllr.Inglis  There has been an increase in litter further towards Thornton-le-Moor
Cllr. Hancock wished to make the following points.
1 If noise is an issue at present you are talking about possibly 5 times the amount 
2 A substantial increase in litter 
3 There are no amenities in the area , no shops, pubs, public transport this will increase the use of more vehicles  through North Owersby and from South Kelsey the roads are already in a bad condition
4 Likely that there will be motor homes using the site these vehicles are large and will be used in the same way as a car to leave the site.
Mr. Alderson Mr & Mrs Burton set up the site 3 years ago to add to their income stream and to ensure their son was able to come home to live.  The rewilding is largely will be undisturbed.
At this point the Chairman requested the public and Cllrs Drewery and Burton leave the meeting for the council to go into closed session to discuss their reply to the planning  application.
1249 Councillors discussed the application having taken note of the members of the public.
Cllr Young stated that as a business man he was pro the application hoping if the application was successful it may lead to some amenities in the area. 
Cllr. Hancock lack of amenities will mean people will probably not stay on the site.
Cllr. Davidson questioned where dog boxes were placed in the area, traffic a concern as the village has a 30miles and hour zone and this is rarely adhered to.   Signage is a must and that there are no passing places could lead to problems.
Cllr. Inglis Site access need to be  clarified and is fundamental to the application.  Sewerage needs to be checked that it will not be a problem. Litter and noise are a problem and pedestrian traffic could be a problem as there are no pavements.
The meeting ended at 8.50pm































The meeting ended at 8.50pm